People That I Love
I have a beautiful family, with a supportive husband, one 16-year-old teenager son, and a 6-year-old younger son. Both of my kids were interested in science and physics. For our family, the biggest hobby is to cook delicious food together.

My family

Family Cusine

Me & my younger son
PBL Work Experiences
In 2009, I cofounded a PBL learning center in Harbin, China. That was the first PBL learning center in our province. We provided more than 30 different occupations for students to experience and invited experts from all walks of life to guide them. For example, kids could learn from the ice sculpture masters to create their ice products and work with other students to build an igloo in winter; they can also learn from the carpenters to create their own wooden cars; they can experience how to be a doctor, firefighter, magician, TV hostess, scientists, etc. Kids love doing creative projects and envision themselves actually making a change for society. My ten-year start-up experience helped me understand how kids learn and how to support them to be interested. I also found my passion for connecting kids with a bigger world and supporting them in developing virtues through projects.

Travelling & Visiting The Best Schools In The World
As a passionate educator, I wanted to visit the best schools in the world. From 2005 until now, I went to Finland, Germany, Japan, and the US to explore the best innovative schools. This exploration experience gave me insight into understanding what is a good environment for students and helped me to be a better teacher.

Germany Senses Park

Japan Nature School

Finland Innovative School

Finland Project

Explore Antactica

In Tailand National Nature Park

Learn Yoga In India

HTH PBL workshop @ Beijing